Word of the Day for Wednesday, January 6, 2010
flibbertigibbet \FLIB-ur-tee-jib-it\, noun:
flibbertigibbet \FLIB-ur-tee-jib-it\, noun:
A silly, flighty, or scatterbrained person, especially a pert young woman with such qualities.
A silly, flighty, or scatterbrained person, especially a pert young woman with such qualities.
If it weren't for the fact that Nancy Pelosi is a dangerous socialist zealot, she would seem like she was nothing more than a flibbertigibbet, blabbermouth, busybody, chatterbox, chatterer, circulator, gossipmonger, informer, meddler, newsmonger, parrot, prattler, rumormonger, rumors babbler, scandalizer, scandalmonger, snoop, talebearer, tattler, and telltale sent to the House of Representatives by the B.O. on a mission of treachery!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Flibbertigibbet is from Middle English flipergebet, which is probably an imitation of the sound of meaningless chatter.
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