Word of the Day for Saturday, December 12, 2009
palliate \PAL-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:
palliate \PAL-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:
1. To make (an offense or crime) seem less serious; extenuate.
1. To make (an offense or crime) seem less serious; extenuate.
2. To make less severe or intense; mitigate.
3. To relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder.
So, how do we, the American public, palliate the damage to our society and economy that the B.O. and his politburo are in the process of wreaking havoc upon?
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Palliate derives from Late Latin palliatus, past participle of palliare, "to cloak, to conceal," from Latin pallium, "cloak."
Palliate derives from Late Latin palliatus, past participle of palliare, "to cloak, to conceal," from Latin pallium, "cloak."
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