Word of the Day for Monday, September 21, 2009
equivocate \ih-KWIV-uh-kayt\, intransitive verb:
equivocate \ih-KWIV-uh-kayt\, intransitive verb:
To be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or to avoid committing oneself to anything definite.
To be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or to avoid committing oneself to anything definite.
The B.O. - has an M.O. - of making a show - whilst he prevaricates - and equivocates!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
To equivocate is literally to call equally one thing or the other: It comes from Medieval Latin aequivocare, from the Latin aequus, equal + vocare, to call (from Latin vox, voice).
To equivocate is literally to call equally one thing or the other: It comes from Medieval Latin aequivocare, from the Latin aequus, equal + vocare, to call (from Latin vox, voice).
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