Yes, I am considering now referring to the POTUS as Chicken Little.
Seems appropriate, doesn't it? He continues to issue "dire warnings" about the state of healthcare.
People around the entire country turn out at town hall meetings to protest Chicken Little's proposed government funded healthcare...which we all know he would also use to cover illegal immigrants so as to try and ensure Dems get illegal voters. Not to mention the 2 million people who marched on D.C. to protest this sheer madness.
To use his own words, Chicken Little needs to present a 'real plan' on helping our economy. We need to do things to encourage American small business creativity and ways to support those business growth efforts.
Sadly, he is still whining to the lemmings still interested in listening to Chicken Little blithering on about healthcare. Even more sad is that this may even be a ploy to keep people distracted from what could be a real cure for turning our country around (financially speaking).
We need to be encouraging small business ownership. That is not a cure-all, but it will certainly have a great impact on our GDP.
The sky is not falling. It fell. The stock market shows that. People like Chicken Little do not help in times like this. They try to keep us distracted from real solutions so they can try to maintain control over We The People.
Fortunately, We The People have been smarter than this. It is in our country's DNA. It's why we left the King across the pond, declared our independence and started this great nation. Like any family, we will have our ups and downs. But we always bounce back.
May this be the dawn of a massive insurgence of American ingenuity in the small business sector.