So NYT op-ed writer (can't bring myself to call her a journalist) Maureen Dowd has reverted to junior high. At least in as much as the immature
name-calling in her 800 word piece on Sarah Palin's decision to step down as Governor of Alaska.
It must be so completely mind-twisting in the vast, cavernous reaches of Ms. Dowd's brain to have nothing "on" Sarah Palin than to call her names for leaving the post as Governor.
The air in that office must be so thin and lacking in oxygen that the conversation had to have been not much more interesting than this -
NYT Editor: "'re telling me you have no story beyond what we know. You just want to call her names and make fun of country music?"
Dowd: "Yes."
NYT Editor: "Sounds great! Run with it!"
And the NYT wonders why readership has tanked! Really? REALLY?!?!
Dowd strikes me as someone who (sadly) didn't receive the parental attention she should have received and was also likely teased a lot in school (code for NOT Sarah Palin). Now she has a personal axe to grind with another popular girl going places with a 'higher calling'.
Don't think Ms. Dowd sounds just like a bitter, immature high school newspaper columnist who had zero chance at even getting 5 votes for homecoming queen court (let along prom)?
Take a look at this garish attempt at "hard-hitting" and then look in the mirror and say you think she's spot on...without laughing out loud.
I'd almost feel sorry for her (as you would if she were a character in a movie). However, the nastiness that Dowd spits is full of hate and bitterness. The kind that doesn't improve or soften over time with age and maturity. It's the kind that leaves you friendless at the end of a life spent adding as much sour lime to your words for the sake of selling papers and making yourself feel better for a moment as you hit send and file your paper with the editor-in-chief. Sad, really.
But, in an effort to not degrade this post to the same depths of immaturity as Ms. Dowd, I will wrap up by apologizing to Ms. Dowd for any inaccuracies in my personal assessment of her (though I suspect I'm correct).
Frankly, the only reason I suspect
Matt Drudge continues to even post NYT articles on his site is that he must be reveling in the rapid descent of the paper's relevance in society. The journalistically bankrupt "news"paper must make amusing bathroom reading for Mr. Drudge. I know it does for me.