Word of the Day for Monday, June 1, 2009
cosset \KOSS-it\, transitive verb:
cosset \KOSS-it\, transitive verb:
1. To treat as a pet; to treat with excessive indulgence; to pamper.
1. To treat as a pet; to treat with excessive indulgence; to pamper.
2. A pet, especially a pet lamb.
The B.O., being a recent inductee into the elite class of international nobility, cosseted his wife with a date in New York this weekend - he paid for the tickets and dinner (about $400), and we the taxpayers paid for his use of a jet and law enforcement (over $45,000)!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Cosset comes from the noun cosset, "a pet lamb."
Cosset comes from the noun cosset, "a pet lamb."
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