Word of the Day for Friday, April 17, 2009
ephemeral \ih-FEM-er-ul\, adjective:
ephemeral \ih-FEM-er-ul\, adjective:
1. Beginning and ending in a day; existing only, or no longer than, a day; as, an ephemeral flower.
1. Beginning and ending in a day; existing only, or no longer than, a day; as, an ephemeral flower.
2. Short-lived; existing or continuing for a short time only.
The B.O. is desperately hoping that the collective "Tea Parties" are nothing more than an ephemeral event!
The B.O. is desperately hoping that the collective "Tea Parties" are nothing more than an ephemeral event!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Ephemeral derives from Greek ephemeros, from epi, upon + hemera, day.
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