Word of the Day for Saturday, March 7, 2009
bilk \bilk\, verb, noun:
bilk \bilk\, verb, noun:
1. to defraud; cheat
1. to defraud; cheat
2. to frustrate
3. to escape from; elude
4. a trick; fraud; deceit.
5. a cheat, swindler
A great word to forever associate with the B.O. is bilk as he and his policies are the ultimate definition of the word!
A great word to forever associate with the B.O. is bilk as he and his policies are the ultimate definition of the word!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1651, from the noun (1633), first used as a cribbage term. Origin obscure, it was believed in 17th century to be "a word signifying nothing," perhaps of Arab origin [how appropriate]; but it is rather perhaps a thinned form of balk. Meaning "to defraud" is first recorded 1672.
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