When Is Enough, Enough!
Thomas Jefferson wrote, before he wrote the Declaration of Independence, “I pledge eternal hostility to every form of tyranny against the mind of man.” Thomas Jefferson wrote this because he believed with all of his heart, the principles of freedom, and that individuals should live free and without oppression from governments, tyrants and those that would take away their liberties.
What has our country become? Our economy is failing, there is no leadership, but many politicians who say they represent the people only represent their own beliefs; there’s too much government in the schools, business, and our own personal lives. We are a breath away from becoming a socialist country and then we will have no freedom at all. Judges who sit on the supreme courts throughout the land are ripping through the Constitution and dicing it up with their own interpretations and they are not holding it to what it was actually created for.
How can it be that minority voices of any cause have more power than the majority of the people? How is it that our beloved country has become so corrupt? In California, the gay agenda is trying to overturn a defiant stance posed by the majority of the people, and the California Supreme Court is actually going to hear their arguments! The gays have accused all those who contributed to or voted for the passing of proposition 8 of being hate mongers. Yet, the gays are the ones protesting, assaulting ministers, burning churches and attacking those who made a stand against them, and they are doing it with no remorse or fear of retaliation.
How much more are true patriots willing to take before we make a stand? It matters not what color, creed, sex or race you are. We are Americans! We bleed red, white and blue! Why are we so slow to act? Everyone is in fear of losing their personal belongings in a lawsuit or fear of retaliation against their lives and properties by physical actions from those who disagree with us. True courage is defined as standing up in the face of adversity. Stop living in fear! For soon, if there are no more patriots, we will not have anything to stand up for, and then we will not have anything left to take away because it will be taken away from us already.
When I was in the Army, I was taught that the colors of the flag stood for this:
Red – The blood of those who gave their lives in defense of this great nation and our freedom and liberties.
Blue – Courage to stand up to those who try and take our freedom and liberties away.
White – Honor to your country, fellow citizens, and our freedoms.
We took an oath. “To defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
It’s time for us to stand up and to honor our oath! For we as a country are not only fighting those that wish to harm us from other countries, but also fighting against those that are trying to destroy our great country from the inside with policy, bullying, and immoral acts. Don’t think that just because you are not in the armed services that you are not a soldier, for you are each a soldier on the frontlines of the greatest battle this country has yet to see. The battle for our freedom, democracy, and the moral fiber of our great nation!
Submitted by Panzerdrvr66