Well...well...well. Nearly years since a post, but I'm back in the saddle. Some weird stuff has gone down in politics in the last four years. But, I'll save that for another post.
2016 - Trump won. The economy boomed. Job growth has been yuge. Unemployment...not yuge.
Then the rona invaded...you know, the China virus. Things got bad, and yet, things have already been improving in that V-shaped recovery President Trump talks about, even though the mainstream media doesn't like talking about that. Seriously.
On that last note, it's pretty maddening to watch the unabashed bias of the left across the broad spectrum of the news and entertainment media landscape. It's seriously like observing people get in a car and immediately start messing with the driver while going 80 on the freeway.
Last election I'd have said Trump in a decisive victory. This election, I'll say Trump in an epic landslide victory over Sleepy Joe "Come on, man!" Biden. The only thing I really believe will actually disrupt that is cheat-by-mail voting. Yes, cheating. Since the news media complex refuses to address the instances of ballots being tossed in the trash or missing bins that show up months later in other states, etc., You're going to have to look into it yourself and/or look to other news sites that will talk about it.
I'm just going to call the news media complex what they really are - communist media complex (CMC). Sounds harsh to some, but let's stop kidding ourselves.
Russia collusion hoax - Democrats said Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2016. That was a hoax perpetrated by Democrats to try to set up their coup...which failed to remove DJT from office...because there was no proof he actually did anything, or the Mueller report would have shown you DECISIVE proof DJT actually did something.
Russia collusion - not a hoax - Hunter Biden (yeah, Joe's son) got over $3M from the wife of a Russian oligarch who was apparently also the former mayor of Moscow. Yes, seriously. Yet Sleepy Joe says last night that was debunked. He doesn't say by whom, he just declares it not true...a process which was as effective as Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy on The Office.
Sleepy Joe also stated he didn't support the Green New Deal during his debate with President Trump. Maybe someone in Joe's earpiece he was listening to should have acknowledged his support of the GND is...on his own website. Joe "Here's the deal" Biden threw his commie pal Bernie Sanders well under the bus. If my memory serves correct, I think he even called him a loser last night.
Trump interrupted Biden a lot last night. But, think about this for a second. Can you really blame him? Dan Bongino had an accurate assessment of Trump and his interruptions last night. Trump is an apex predator. This lion picture is exactly how we saw Trump last night. Calm, but observing the weaker animal standing on the stage across from him.

In the President's position, I'd have done the same thing by interrupting Joe. Why? Not because I decided to not honor the terms of the debate, but because of the countless lies being spewed by Joe Biden. Why should he give lies a voice? This isn't my bias as a conservative. This is based on verifiable truth and Joe simply doesn't have an argument against it other than to claim things have been debunked (by whom and when) or that it's just not true because he said so...or true, because he said so. To make matters worse, Fox News' Chris Wallace is being lambasted across social media for being probably the worst 'moderator' of a presidential debate in history. President Trump very accurately stated during one exchange, "I guess I'm debating you tonight." More on that in a minute.
Biden repeated the (actually) debunked claim the President called U.S. military injured or killed in Europe suckers and losers. Debunking the president's comments include not-a-Trump-fan Bolton and others who were with the President at the time. Sadly, that liberal cesspool of a magazine, The Atlantic, which claims four people confirmed the story refuses to name names. Surprise, surprise. An even bigger non-surprise was several other members of the CMC picking up the story and running with it.
CMC. Now that is a whole other matter deserving of it's own post...or posts. While the CMC is not the biggest issue, it's darn close to the top of the list of corrupt, lying politicians that hate our republic. Mostly, they're nearly at the top of the list because of the lies the talking heads feed the American public and the nonexistent accountability of the media for lying. Boggles the mind doesn't it?
Don't get me wrong. This isn't a "Republicans don't lie" fantasy. There are plenty of them from George H.W. "Read my lips, no new taxes" Bush, to Joe Hidin' Biden telling us his son didn't get millions from Russia, Ukraine, and others. The issue I have is the fact that media outlets and Democrats are in collusion with each other against American values. They say whatever they want, twisting words and just generally making up nonsense that didn't happen with zero consequences.
So, how are we supposed to deal with that, especially when social media has been doing it's level best to also stifle conservative voices with 'fact checkers' from totally biased, liberal outlets?
Start a new platform. That's what I've been busy working on. You'll see soon. In the mean time, have you unplugged from the matrix and seen how deep the rabbit hole really goes?
I'm back to writing here, if nothing else to let off steam between now and Nov. 3...or January 20, 2021.