Word of the Day for Friday, May 28, 2010
ethereal \ih-THEER-ee-uhl\, adjective:
ethereal \ih-THEER-ee-uhl\, adjective:
1. Light, airy, or tenuous.
1. Light, airy, or tenuous.
2. Extremely delicate or refined.
3. Heavenly or celestial.
4. Pertaining to the upper regions of space.
5. Chemistry. Pertaining to, containing, or resembling ethyl ether.
Ethereal President, lightweight of them all,
No matter how much you lie, you're gonna take a fall.
Your presidency is covered in oil, this we all know,
So go crawl back under your Chicago rock, we're tired of you, B.O.!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
Ethereal enters English from the Ancient Greek aitherios, "pertaining to the upper air."
Ethereal enters English from the Ancient Greek aitherios, "pertaining to the upper air."