Friday, February 27, 2009

Word of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2009
hidebound \HAHYD-bound\, adjective:
narrow-minded and stubborn
The laughable aspect of the B.O.'s liberal socialist agenda is that it is not, as he claims, fair and open minded, but rather a hardcore hidebound mentality!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1559, from hide "cattle skin" + past tense of bind. Original reference is to emaciated cattle with skin sticking closely to backbones and ribs; metaphoric sense of "restricted by narrow attitudes" is first recorded 1603.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Word of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2009
declaim \di-KLEYM\, verb:
to orate; to speak in a loud and emotional manner
Emperor B.O.'s prolix monologue to Congress where he declaimed the absolute need for the unprecedented expansion of the federal government's foray into the private sector was excellently delivered -- regardless of how misguided, foolish and imprudent the venture may be!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c 1385, from Latin declamare, from de- intensifying prefix + clamare "to cry, shout". At first in England, spelled declame, but altered under influence of claim.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2009
openhanded \OH-puhn-HAN-did\, adjective:
1. giving freely; generous
2. done with an open hand
The B.O.'s openhanded largess is certainly appealing to the to the shiftless laggards of our society!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1593, open + handed

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Word of the Day for Tuesday February 24, 2009
peculate \PEK-yuh-leyt\, verb:
to steal money or goods entrusted to one; embezzle
Not surprisingly, the B.O.'s cronies have used their positions to demand bribes and peculate public funds!
-- Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1715, from Latin peculatus/ peculari "to embezzle," from peculum "private property"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Word of the Day for Monday, February 23, 2009
beseech \bi-SEECH\, verb;
beseech, besought or beseeched, beseeching:
to ask earnestly; implore
In his tyranny of incompetence, the B.O. has beseeched the hapless American public to go along with his scheme of socialism and nationalization of the country's banks and other corporate assets!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c 1175, Old English bisecen "to beseech, beg urgently," from be- + Middle English secen "to seek"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fight For Your Right To (A Boston Tea) Party

CBS's Chip Reid shows the arrogance of the networks. "That cable rant..." was how he described the comments that Santelli made about B.O.'s "Tax Yolk" that has been forced onto Americans' necks.

It is encouraging to see that although Santelli may have chosen some slightly different words, his tone and position remain the same.

Stand your ground, man. There are millions of Americans looking to people like you to encourage a mindset like that which would prompt another Boston Tea Party.

Problem number one, however, is getting so many Americans to re-learn about the Boston Tea Party, what it stood for, why it happened, etc.

From Tax Hike To Tax Halve?

So, in less than his first 100 days, B.O. passed his Economic Tankulus (sorry, "stimulus") bill. Now, not even a week into that bill, he is already talking about how he intends to halve our trillion dollar deficit by 2013.

This should tell people that it's obvious even to the socialists (I'm about done calling them liberals) that lower taxes and no deficit is good for our country. Otherwise, why on earth would B.O. already be talking about getting rid of half the deficit.

Here are a couple of reasons:

1) He's already campaigning for 2012 re-election (duh!)

2) The goal of the "Big Bailout" was never designed to be an economic stimulus. It was a ruse to pass a truckload of liberal legislation. Don't believe me? Read the bill and all the fine print...including what Harry Reid (D-NV) hand wrote just before delivering to B.O. for his signature.

3) The ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit of the American small business owner will continue to help drive our great Republic forward - and the Dems want to take credit for a market that gets corrected during B.O.'s they start talking now about all that will have been accomplished by 2013 (one year into a presumptuous second B.O. term).

One very frustrating thing that hit me today is that I have no way of knowing whether or not we, as a country, have a $10 billion deficit or a $5 trillion deficit. Who holds that checkbook? Who is personably responsible for showing the American people how this all works? I have no idea how to know if our politicians, or more to the point - if our President is telling the truth on our deficit and financial situation of our country.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Word of the Day for Thursday February 19, 2009
tautological \taw-TOL-uh-guh-kuhl\, adjective:
unnecessarily or uselessly repetitive
To say that the B.O. is a socialist liberal Democrat is tautological!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1620 from tautologic, from Late Latin tautologia "representation of the same thing", from Greek tautologia, from tautologos "repeating what has been said," from tauto "the same" + -logos "saying," related to legein "to say"

Word of the Day for Friday February 20, 2009
ellipsis \i-LIP-sis\, noun:
three dots used to show an omission in writing or printing; the omission of a word or words in text
The B.O. just read the first word of the spendulus pork package, followed by an ellipsis, followed by the last word of the 1,666 (or so) page document and felt as though he had read the entire document!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1570, from Latin ellipsis, from Greek elleipsis "a falling short, defect, ellipse," from elleipein "to fall short, leave out," from en- "in" + leipein "to leave." Grammatical sense first recorded 1612.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2009
consternation \kon-ster-NEY-shuhn\, noun:
sudden dread or paralyzing terror
The B.O. is purposely causing much consternation among the American public through his constant fear mongering on the economy!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1611, from French consternation, from Latin consternationem, from consternare "overcome, confuse, dismay," from com- intensive prefix + sternare "throw down"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 17, 2009
burnish \BUR-nish\, verb, noun:
1. to make shiny by polishing
2. a polish or shine
The B.O.'s burnished reputation as a liberal iconoclast seems to be intact!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c.1325, from Old French burniss-, extended stem of burnir, metathesis of brunir "to make brown/bright, polish," from brun "brown, polished," from a Germanic source

Monday, February 16, 2009

Word of the Day for Monday, February 16, 2009
interminable \in-TUR-muh-nuh-buhl\, adjective:
so long as to seem endless; never stopping
The B.O.'s poor decision making is interminable!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c.1374, from Late Latin interminabilis, from in- "not" + terminabilis

Friday, February 13, 2009

Word of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2009
expurgate \EK-sper-geyt\, verb:
to remove objectionable words or passages from a document
The only way for the B.O. to acceptably expurgate the pork package is to delete it entirely!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1621, from Latin expurgat-, from expurgare, from ex- + purgare "to make clean"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Word of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2009
froward \FROH-werd\, adjective:
not easily managed; contrary
Fortunately for the B.O. there are a few froward Republicans that are willing to sell off their political souls by voting for the pork package!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c. 1300, Old English fromweard "turned from or away," from from + -weard. The opposite of toward, it was Latin pervertus in early translations of the Psalms, and also meant "about to depart, departing," and "doomed to die."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2009
osteopath \OS-tee-uh-path\, noun:
a practitioner specializing in treatment chiefly by manipulation of the bones and muscles
The B.O. is as artful in manipulating the truth as an osteopath is in manipulating the bones and muscles!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1896, Americanism, back formation of osteopathy (osteo- "bone")

Monday, February 9, 2009

More on the USSA

After seeing the headline on the Drudge Report regarding the NY Times article on NYTIMES: 'Many women... dreaming about sex with the president'..., it is no wonder that the newspaper's circulation and their credibility are in the proverbial toilet! And they want bailout money??? Like every other business out there, they should either succeed or fail based on their own ability to turn a profit. That is what American free enterprise is all about.

We must fight against ALL attempts by the B.O. and his toadies to turn this into the United Socialist States of America! The USSA -- Not now, not ever.

Word of the Day for Monday, February 9, 2009
toady \TOH-dee\, noun, verb:
1. a fawning flatterer; humble dependent
2. to attempt to gain favor by fawning or being servile
You know that you are the B.O.'s toady if you think that the bailout package is a good deal!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c 1690 for noun, possibly shortened from toad-eater "fawning flatterer," originally referring to the assistant of a charlatan, who ate a toad (believed to be poisonous) to enable his master to display his skill in expelling the poison. The verb is recorded from 1827.

Coming Soon: U.S.S.A.

If you feel like what you see, hear and read in the press these days is moving our great country to resemble a communist state similar to Russia or Venezuela - you're not the only one.

Republican Governor of South Carolina Mark Sanford is going on record as saying as much.

The "Big Bailout" is moving - at light speed it would seem - our country away from a market-based economy to one where the government bails your stupid butt out for bad business decisions and no consequences for it.

B.O. and the Dems are pushing right down party lines (so much for "non-partisan politics") to get the "stimulus" approved. They (the Dems) keep callin it 'the solution' for our country and that the longer it takes to pass it, the more dangerous place we will be in financially.


Let's go into debt, lots of debt, and that debt will pull us out of debt. Have you ever seen a family do that? The result is generally bankruptcy, isn't it? (that...was rhetorical) It is a solution. There is no question about that. The question no one seems to be asking is what is it the solution to? Answer - what it will take to create (as Gov. Sanford so eloquently phrased) a savior-based economy?

The other question it answers is what will it take to finally prove Karl Marx and create an environment for the U.S.A. to fall and become a Socialist nation? If you are not old enough, or educated enough to know about all of that Karl Marx talk, then I suggest you inquire about it with your parents or grandparents. There was a time when we acted like a smart country and the fabric of our country not only ran diametrically opposed to the ideals of someone like Karl Marx - we were intentional about doing things opposed to those philosophies.

If you want more on this, leave a comment and/or email us and one of the team will follow up and email you some more links on this subject.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Word of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2009
erstwhile \URST-hwahyl\, adjective, adverb;
Also used as an adverb, meaning formerly.:
The B.O.'s erstwhile cohorts and mentors are what drives and guides him today!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
by 1569, from Middle English erest "soonest, earliest" + while.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

WARNING - This Story Should Disturb You...A Lot

This constitutes murder - no matter what your politics are on the subject of abortion.

Personally, I hope first degree murder is what this clinic and those employed there are charged with.

A woman gave birth to a live baby. Yes, a live baby. The baby was found (in the autopsy) to have had air in her lungs. That means...a live baby was born. What happened next (read here) is what will disturb anyone.

This is exactly what those of us that are pro-life have long feared would occur with legalized abortion - - - stone cold murder of a life right in front of your eyes under the guise of "legal abortion."

Please speak out against this to your local Congressmen & women.

Leadership Free Zone

A recent Fox News article entitled "Graham Says Obama Is 'AWOL' on Stimulus Debate", stated (in part) the following...

President Obama has been "AWOL" in negotiations over the economic stimulus package, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday in a scathing rebuke of the new president.

The South Carolina Republican told FOX News that Obama has not been providing leadership, and he criticized the president for giving TV interviews and writing an editorial touting the package, rather than addressing the complaints of lawmakers.

"This process stinks," Graham told FOX News, before repeating a lot of his criticisms on the Senate floor. "We're making this up as we go and it is a waste of money. It is a broken process, and the president, as far as I'm concerned, has been AWOL on providing leadership on something as important as this."

I can only ask this question -- "How in the world anyone could think that the B.O. could provide leadership when he had no leadership skill set or experience prior to his coronation?"

It is simply not realistic by anyone from either the left or right to imagine that he will just magically start being a leader simply because he now inhabits the White House.

News flash --- You can't gain leadership experience through osmosis!

Word of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2009
unwitting \uhn-WIT-ing\, adjective:
not knowing; unaware; unintentional
The B.O. would have us believe that his cabinet appointees are all just unwitting felons!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c 893, Old English unwitende, from un- (1) "not" + witting. Rare after c.1600; revived c.1800.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

57 States and 500 Million Americans

Yes, this is the change we can believe in.

Nancy Pelosi said that 500 million Americans lose their job every month. Watch it here.

B.O. said he's visited all 57 states.

Do they know we only have 50 states and a little over 300 million total Americans in the United States of America (including illegals)?

You can't make this stuff up, folks. Keep the change.

Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2009
virtuoso \vur-choo-OH-soh\, noun, adjective;
pl. virtuosos, virtuosi:
1. a person skilled in the techniques of an art, esp. playing a musical instrument; by extension, a person with a cultivated appreciation of artistry
2. showing mastery in artistic skills
The B.O. is a virtuoso in the art of bamboozling!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c. 1651, from Italian virtuoso, from Late Latin virtuosus. The meaning "person with great skill" (as in music) is first attested 1743.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Word of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2009
defalcate \di-FAL-keyt\, verb:
to steal or misuse money or property entrusted to one's care
If anyone knows how to defalcate, it is the B.O. and his appointees!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c 1540, from Latin defalcere, from de- + falx/falcem "sickle, scythe"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Word of the Day for Monday, February 2, 2009
chaff \chaf\, noun, verb:
1. the stiff strawlike part of grains such as wheat, oats, rye
2. to make good-natured fun of someone
3. worthless material; detritus
The B.O.'s so-called stimulus plan is nothing more than economic chaff!
--Spy Maker, JSA's Blog
c 1000, Old English ceaf, from Proto-Germanic *kaf-, *kef-. Chaffinch (Fringilla cælebs) is Old English ceaffinc